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Add Yourself
FriendRaiser/Fundraiser Ideas
Fort Hunt Schools
Fundraising Details
How it Works
- 100% free to get started as fundraiser.
- You invite parents with businesses to register to be included in FULL COLOR, Paper Magazine Directory and Online Networking Directory (marketing materials provided)
- They pay $20 (early Bird) for their directory entry (paying you directly or using our online payment system) - you earn $10.00 per sale.
Dates (Subject to change)
FAQ (show all)
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Start Up Kit for Fundraising Marketing
Click on the name to generate the unique invite link
Marketing Templates for
test link)
Invite Email
Subject: FUNDRAISER: Add Your Business to Fort Hunt Parent Neighbor Business Directory
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Paper Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?
We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.
You can visit the link above to learn more and to register!
Customizable Templates

One page flyers, postcards, business cards
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Paper Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?
We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.
Next Door
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Paper Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?
We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?
We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.
Thanks for submitting your Info for the Virtual Career Day Database!
There may be a slight delay (review period) before your information shows up on the directory.
(If you said you were interested in/able to participate in person at the upcoming Carl Sandburg Career Carnival, please click here to select a time slot. One of the Sandburg AVID team members will follow up with you.)
The next step, regardless of whether you can be there in person or not, is to click the button below to complete a short (3 minute) interactive interview about you, your career/job that we can make available to parents/students!
Start Short Interview
Have you ever thought, "Gosh, i'd love to know more about the other parents/neighbors/members in my neighborhood, church, PTA or organization"?
Or have you ever thought, "Gosh, I'd love to have those same people know more about what my business."?
The goal of this Community Networking project is to make it easier for people in our different communities to connect and learn more about each other and to help your favorite schools and organizations to identify potential speakers, sponsors, and resources for internships or jobs.
How does it work? Simple.
Just find the community that you belong to and add yourself.
If you belong to multiple communities (a church, a neighborhood, a parent community for a school, a sports league) add yourself to all of them!
Once you enter your basic information, you'll be able to enhance your profile - with a photo, an introductory video, your LinkedIn info and even an interview (we have a special "Career Day" interview that we make available to our elementary, middle nad high schools to help teachers connect students with the diversity of career paths that are represented by our parents and neighbors).
There is no charge to be listed (but organizations are welcome to this as a fundraiser/friend raisers for their organization.
Are you a fan of an organization that isn't listed here?
Click here to add it and I'll follow up with a "getting started" link.
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Paper Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.
Next Door
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Paper Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.
Would you like to add your company or business to a FULL COLOR, Parent/Neighbor Company Directory Magazine to be distributed to other parents in the Fort Hunt/West Potomac community?We are participating in a fundraiser/friendraiser with and you can add an entry (with photo/logo, business info) in the magazine AND a full networkking profile on the web site for the early bird (before Oct 1st) price of $20.00 (and we get to keep $10.00 from each sale). And you get your own copy of the magazine.