Fort Hunt TV Interview/Program Creation
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Content Creation Tutorial

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Welcome! The goal of Fort Hunt TV is to help "liberate" the knowledge, skills, and experiences that live in our community and share them with our neighbors.

The goal of this page is to make it easier and less costly - both in terms of time and money - for our supporting members to share their knowledge with neighbors.

Teen Interviewers, Producers, Camera Operators, or Editors - Want to participate? Add yourself to our Gig/Project Board

Info about Interview/Program Creation

Reminder - Our Fort Hunt Member Marketing Blitz is coming up on Wed, Feb 19th. Details at link
Want to make a REAL Connection with a Fort Hunt community or business leader? Consider interviewing THEM and we'll share and promote the video! Visit our Who's Who directory to review potential connections!

Program Options

Here are some of the programs that we can produce for you. Watch the tutorial for more details
Interview - In person, Interview - Audio/Telephone, Interview - Skype/Split Screen, Interview - Self Interview, Panel Discussion, Site Tour, Whiteboard Workshop, Demonstration, 'Ted Talk', Performance, Other sort of Show

Potential Elements

idea, topic, producer, interviewee, interviewer, expected duration, questions, interviewType, dateTime, location, agreement, camera phone, tripod (optional), camera man (optional), shoot, deliver footage to editor, editing, promotion of video

Where we'll share

Fort Hunt TV, Weekly Newsletter, Fort Hunt Specialty Guides, NextDoor, Facebook Page, YouTube Channel, Fort Hunt Herald, Special Target Market Promotion

Interview - How to Participate

Depending on how simple (or elaborate) we want to go, you may ONLY require the InterviewEE (if self-interview) or the InterviewER and InterviewEE (if you can set up the camera yourself).

But all of the productions will require an EDITOR to move the video from raw footage to finished product. (The Student Editor's fees (typically between $20 - $40) will be paid by the ad sponsor, which you can do yourself (if you're the interviewee) or they can be paid by another business who sees a benefit by being associated with the produced video.)

Ways to Participate

Producer (Teen), Interviewee, Interviewer, Editor (Teen), Camera (Teen), Program Sponsor, Additional Video Advertiser

Interview Steps - InterviewEE

Indicate your willingness to be interviewed (Email Frazier and I'll add you to the list), identify the desired interview type (in person/telephone/self - see above), select/suggest interview questions or topics, enter your contact info for interviewer to contact you, ** identify how/where you'd be willing to share the video once completed (this may make it easier to attract an interviewer and a sponsor)

Interview Steps - InterviewER

Review the list of businesses/community orgs and identify ones that you'd be interested in interviewing, reach out to the Interviewee about scheduling the interview (participants will share contact info and suggested times), Review the Interview Steps (above) to see whether you have everything you need.

Interview Steps - Sponsor

Review the list of upcoming interviews (coming soon) and identify ones that you'd be interested in sponsoring, Check current sponsor opportunities/rates, Connect with Frazier about modifying your Sponsor Ad (to go on the video and the Video Display Page)

Interview/Program Steps - Producer

Choose an interview subject or program idea, contact Interviewee, select interviewer, Review and select questions, gather background material, Select cameraman/director (if applicable), decide on location, select sponsors, coordinate shooting, collect raw video, review video and decide on editing instructions (clips), deliver video and instructions to editor, review finished product, Publish video and link sponsors/advertisers, develop promotion plan
Clear Skill Search
replace with skil bages

Interview Participants

Program/Show Ideas

Questions for "Meet the Business" Interview

Community Businesses/Orgs

Marketing U Students

Marketing/Production Skills